All posts by Nadia Röning

April Meeting

Welcome to our next meeting the 6th of April, 16:00 o’clock. The meeting will be held at ITC in room 1406.

The main topic for the meeting is the WomENcourage project: the poster presentations as well as other related tasks, such as PR etc.

If this project sounds interesting to you or if you just want to join and listen, feel free to drop in!

Hope to see you there!

Spring Meeting

It’s time to kick off spring with an UU ACM-W chapter meeting!

Where?  ITC room 1345

When?  Thursday the 25th of February at 17:00

The meeting is open for everyone! You are welcome to come if you just want to listen in or if you have some ideas for upcoming events.

Hope to see you there!

Seeking new board

UU ACM-W is looking for a new board starting the 1st of February 2016. UU ACM-W is a student group at Uppsala University promoting gender equality in Computer Science and Information Technology.

The positions that need to be filled are:

Chair, responsible for running of the group by arranging meetings and planning projects.

Vice-chair, acts as a helping hand to the Chair. The Vice-chair is also responsible for keeping the website up to date.

Secretary/Treasurer, takes notes during meetings and is responsible for the economy, mainly by managing orders at events.

What does equality mean to you? Are you interested in one of these positions or in joining the UU ACM-W? For more information, do not hesitate to contact Nadia at Deadline: 25th Januari 2016  


IN-DEMAND writing contest

Hi ACM-W members,

Check out this writing contest:

Data Dugouts ( was designed to connect technology practitioners with startup and midsize sports and media industry companies.

The purpose of the contest is to help gauge the interest of engineers and programmers into considering these industries for employment opportunities.

The theories presented by contest participants will help both industries in their future recruiting efforts (NOTE: Companies will begin to set up profiles and list internship opportunities in February).

The contest judges are the Chief Information Officers of the Dallas Cowboys and The Ohio State University athletic department.

Click the photo for information on the IN-DEMAND writing contest.

Gold Flyer

Christmas AW fika

The Gender Equality Group and the Uppsala University ACM-W Student Chapter (UU ACM-W) are hosting a Christmas after-work fika.

Are you interested in what we do and want to join us discussing ideas to tackle for the new year or just want to hang out? – Then bring your friends and have fika with us 🙂

Where? ITC room 2415b

When? Tuesday the 15th of December 17:00

We hope to see you there!