As Deha was unable to attend, Andreina acted as secretary this meeting. Blatant misrepresentations of the facts in the following summary are solely Joe’s responsibility, because he is clearly a much better note-taker than Andreina and should have been the one writing this down.
Action points:
- finding a good description for the event (Virginia)
- designing a poster before September 1st. (Noric was suggested, +?)
- finding name and contact information of a PhD student’s week speaker (Sofia)
- prepare list of topics (Andreina, +?)
- find out when would be a good time-slot to host the event (Yunyun)
- ask Ivan and Edith if the event could be part of the Advance CS in Sweden course (Yunyun)
- the event will be announced during the welcome week for new master students (Virginia)
- find resources/information for the moderator of the event (Andreina, +?)
- distribution the posters on September 1st (Deha was suggested, +?)
- advertising on social media (Maria was suggested, +?)
Networking event
We did some brainstorming about hosting a networking event for students. The event will encourage quick conversation and networking in English. It was pointed out that this event is also related to the idea of being able to explain what you want or what you do in a very short amount of time.
The idea is for the participants to meet every other participant during the event. The structure of the event will be similar to a speed networking event. Participants will have 5 min to talk to a given person and then will have to move and talk to somebody else. There should be one or more moderators paying attention to how the conversation is flowing and helping participants to develop interesting conversations. Towards the end the participants will be able to mingle and have fika.
It was decided that the event should be in English only, regarding of wether or not you share other common languages with some of the participants. This will facilitate people joining conversations (while mingling) as well as help everyone express themselves in English.
It was suggested that the event could evolve into a series of networking events.
Chapter’s social media plan
Maria, our social media representative, emailed a social media plan before the meeting, but she couldn’t join us this time. Virginia explained that the plan contained information about what kind of pages/users to follow in order to find good and relevant material to be shared through the chapter’s accounts. The plan also contained relevant hashtags to use as well as when to share information.
The present members were pleased with the plan and are excited to see the results of implementing it.
Great job Maria!