Category Archives: Fika

Christmas AW fika

The Gender Equality Group and the Uppsala University ACM-W Student Chapter (UU ACM-W) are hosting a Christmas after-work fika.

Are you interested in what we do and want to join us discussing ideas to tackle for the new year or just want to hang out? – Then bring your friends and have fika with us 🙂

Where? ITC room 2415b

When? Tuesday the 15th of December 17:00

We hope to see you there!

Study Fika!

The UU ACM-W chapter is hosting a study fika on Thursday 19/11 in collaboration with the Gender equality group.

Everyone is welcome! Come and study, network or just grab some fika. There will be buns, cakes, coffee, tea and soft drinks!

Where?  ITC room 2347

When?  Thursday the 19th of November 13:00 – 17:00

Drop by whenever you want and bring your friends, we hope to see you there!