Category Archives: Event

Announcements of upcoming events, and reports on past events.

Code Jam Hub – 7th April

On 7th April, we successfully hosted our first Code Jam hub. 15 participants tackled the challenging exercises provided by Google while getting to enjoy free pizza and nice company. We would like to thank everyone who attended the hub – we hope you had fun, achieved your personal coding goals and of course to see you again soon!

Join our Code Jam Hub!

UU ACM-W will be hosting a hub for the Qualification Round of Code Jam, a world-wide programming competition that involves solving a number of algorithmic puzzles. The Qualification Round runs over 27 hours (6thApril 0:00 – 8th April 3:00 CET) to allow people from different times zones to participate. Within this time span, our hub will take place on 7th April 12:00-15:30 at the Informationsteknologiskt centrum (ITC), room 4308. Of course it is also possible to work on the exercises outside of the hub if participants feel that they require more time. 

Everyone is welcome to take part in the hub and we particularly encourage women and everyone with little or no hackathon experience to join. We aim to provide a friendly environment to make it an interesting and fun learning experience for all and will serve free pizza. Exercises from previous Code Jam contest can be found here. The winner of the World Finals in Toronto, Canada will earn the title of Code Jam Champion and $15,000. 

If you would like to participate in our hub, please register at Places are limited and will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. In case you have registered but can’t come, please decline your place so that someone from the waiting list can take it. You will need to bring your own computer to the hub. If you have any questions, please contact us on facebook or send an email to:

We hope to see you there!

Hash Code Hub

On 1st March we successfully hosted a hub for the online qualification round of Hash Code (a team programming competition organized by Google for students and industry professionals across Europe, the Middle East and Africa).

13 participants who were spread across 4 teams joined the hub. After almost 4 hours of great team work, all teams were able to submit a solution to the problem statement. Well done everyone!

International Women’s Day

Next week’s Wednesday (8th of March) it’s time for the International Women’s Day! What better occasion to get together and watch Hidden Figures? Join us to watch an inspiring and true story on three African-American female pioneers!

“HIDDEN FIGURES is the incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe)-brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation’s confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.” (

We will gather either on Tuesday (7th of March, at 17:30) or on Wednesday (8th of March, at 17:30 or 20:00) depending on when most of you have time. Comment, drop us a message, and let us know if you want to join! Exact date & time will be announced by Friday evening.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Join us celebrating the international Women’s day!

We welcome you to join us to celebrate the international Women’s day at Uplands nation on Tuesday, the 8th of March. Come and learn more about us and what we are doing, or just come and have a nice evening  while celebrating the importance of this day.
Everyone is welcome, men or women, undergraduate or graduate student!

We plan to meet up outside Uplands at 18:00 o’clock and enter together. A nation card is however required to enter.
If you don’t have one, the chapter would be happy to help you to get a guest card, provided that you are able to pay the fee (75 SEK) yourself.
Sign up for the guest card through this google form, latest by Monday 17:00 o’clock:

Hope to see you there!

Lunch event: Art of programming

On Wednesday the 9th of December our member Noric Couderc will hold a lunch event/workshop to talk about the art of programming. This is a joint initiative of the Gender Equality Group and the Uppsala University ACM-W Student Chapter (UU ACM-W).

The event will last approximately two hours and will focus on two parts:  

First, how artists started including computers in their process, focusing on modern art and contemporary art. And how artists can also benefit from using computer programming as a medium of expression. Second, we will talk on how computer scientists and engineers can also benefit from doing art using programming.

Then there will be an interactive demonstration of the Processing framework, a programming framework that artists often use in their work, as it is easily accessible, even to those who do not have prior knowledge of programming, while not being too simplistic.

Where?  ITC room 2446

When?  Wednesday the 9th of December from 12:15 to 14:00 (Break at 13 for those who need to leave)

Who?  You and everyone you know that is interested in this topic

Let us know that you are coming and whether you would like lunch provided for you by filling in this form. You can also join our Facebook event and spread the word here


Study Fika!

The UU ACM-W chapter is hosting a study fika on Thursday 19/11 in collaboration with the Gender equality group.

Everyone is welcome! Come and study, network or just grab some fika. There will be buns, cakes, coffee, tea and soft drinks!

Where?  ITC room 2347

When?  Thursday the 19th of November 13:00 – 17:00

Drop by whenever you want and bring your friends, we hope to see you there!

Lunch event – Oh, man! Gender and Computing: the Role of Men Panel

After the success of our first panel on gender and computing, supported by the Gender Equity Group at the department, we are thrilled to announce a second panel, this time focused on the role of men. We will count with panelists who are in projects related to gender and computing and who will bring to the table different views on this work.

As before, the event will consist of two parts: first, presentations of 5-10 minutes from each panelist on their chosen topics (detailed below); second, the audience will have the chance to ask questions to the panelists, leading to a meaningful discussion, as we saw in the first panel. Both parts are open for all interested students and staff. There will be a break at about 13:00, so that those who need to leave can do so. As this is also a lunch event, a sandwich and a drink will be provided for those who want.

Panelists, and their topics for the seminar, are:

  • Dave Clarke, associate professor in the department of information technology and responsible for the main first year programming course (PKD).

Title: Gender Balance and First Year Programming

Summary: Dave will describe a number of planned initiatives for improving gender balance in the way the first year programming course (PKD) is taught.

  • Anne-Sofie Nyström and Minna Salminen, researchers at the Gender Center.

Title: The attraction of effortless achievement – intelligence, effort and gender.

Summary: Effortless achievement is valorized in many academic settings as it is equated with authentic intelligence, which is idolized in many societies. However, the subject position of ‘effortless achiever’ is not available to all categories of students equally, and for some it is almost impossible to attain. The intersections of gender, social class, ethnicity and institutional setting are influential, e.g. via discourses that position boys/men as natural, authentic scholars and girls/women as the diligent Other. This has been proposed as one explanation to the gendered achievement pattern, boys’ and men’s “underachievement” in schooling and higher education.

  • Pontus Ekberg, PhD student at the department.

Title: How should a teacher deal with students’ gender-related preconceptions about their own abilities?

Summary: In the introductory programming course for second-year STS students, the teachers have noticed some correlation between students’ perceptions of their own abilities and their gender. There are of course many exceptions, but as a trend it seems to have become more pronounced in the last couple of years. I would like some discussion about what a teacher should (and shouldn’t) do to try to alleviate this problem.

Where?  ITC room 2446

When?  Thursday the 28th of May from 12:00 to 14:00

Who?  EVERYONE interested in this topic is welcome to join!

Let us know that you are coming and whether you would like lunch provided for you by filling in this form.

Entrance is for FREE, but please complete the form if you are coming to let us know so that we can estimate the number of lunches to be ordered. You can also join our Facebook event here.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact Virginia at:


Gender and Computing Panel Completed – Here’s the form!

Many thanks to everyone that participated in the Gender and Computing Panel on March 10th! A lot of interesting topics were discussed and we hope to continue the discussions in future events.

To give us your feedback on the event, please fill out this form, we appreciate it!

Gender and Computing Panel, March 2015

What?  As a celebration of the International Women’s Day (March 8th), we are having a lunch panel at the Department of IT, on March 10th, to discuss topics related to gender and computing. This is a joint initiative of the Gender Equity Group and the Uppsala University ACM-W Student Chapter (UU ACM-W). The panel is targeted at both staff and students.

The event will consist of two parts: first, presentations of 10 minutes from each panelist on their chosen topics (detailed below); second, questions to the panelists and other interactions with the audience. Both parts are open for all interested students and staff. A short break will be taken between the first and second part, so that those who have to leave at 13:00 may do so.

Panelists, and their topics for the seminar, are:

  • Ingela Nyström (Head of Division): “Gender Balance at Work: the Case of Vi2”
  • Åsa Cajander (Gender Equity Group Coordinator): “The Gender Equity Group at the Department of Information Technology”
  • Nadia Röning (UU ACM-W Chair): “The UU ACM-W Student Chapter: Goals and Plans”
  • Joseph Scott (PhD Student): “Being a “Male Ally””

Where?  ITC room 2247

When?  Tuesday the 10th of March from 12:00 to 14:00

Who?  You and everyone you know that is interested in this topic

Let us know that you are coming and whether you would like lunch provided for you by filling in this form. You can also join our Facebook event and spread the word here. For any questions, do not hesitate to contact Virginia at:
